When are your Sunday services and classes?

9:15 AM – Sunday School for all ages, in person and on Zoom. See our streaming information page for links and the adult Sunday school page for information on classes.

10:30 AM – Morning Worship Service in-person or online via our YouTube channel. See our in-person gathering guideline page for details.

What kind of care and teaching do you have for my kids?

Kids of all ages are welcome to attend our entire worship service, but a nursery is available for babies and toddlers, as well as a simple class for two- and three-year-olds. For parents who wish, children ages 4 through grade 3 are dismissed prior to the sermon for a time of worship designed for them. Sermon guides are available in the Narthex (lobby) for children who will be remaining in the worship service.

During Sunday School, there are classes for kids of all ages through high school. During evening Home Groups at the church, there is a special time of teaching for children up through Grade 4, as well as childcare for very young children. A parent-led “Tween” ministry meets at that same time. And, middle school and high school students can attend Youth Group at the Gatehouse on the Wallace campus led by our Youth Director and a team of adult volunteers.

How long will the service last? 

Our morning service lasts about 90 minutes.

What will the service be like? 

Our service includes the worship of God through music, Scripture readings, the sermon, and celebrating Communion each week. We enjoy a blended style of singing traditional and contemporary songs that speak to the truth of who God is and what He has done for us.

If you have questions about anything you hear or observe during the service, our pastors and elders are available in the Sanctuary or Narthex after the service to answer any of your questions.

What should I do during Communion?

Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, is for those people who believe in the Gospel of redemption from sin through the blood of Jesus Christ and are part of a Gospel believing church. During the morning service, the Wallace congregation does not get out of their seats to come forward as is the practice in some churches.  Rather, the bread and the wine are passed down the rows of chairs to each person.  If you are not yet part of a church, you are welcome to remain in our service during Communion, but please refrain from taking the bread and the wine.  If you have any questions about Communion, please speak to a pastor or an elder.

What should I wear? 

Come as you are. If you are wondering how most people at Wallace dress, it varies. Many of our men wear khakis or jeans and a polo or button up shirt, while some prefer suits. Our ladies wear pants, skirts, and dresses. However, we look forward to seeing you, not what you’re wearing, as the Lord looks at the heart, not what you’re wearing.

Will I need to say, sign or give anything? 

We want you to feel welcome and to learn about our church when you visit.  As you enter the building, you will be greeted by our volunteer greeters who will also hand you an bulletin which will help guide you through the songs and Scripture readings. If you wish, you may fill out a visitors’ card at the Information Table on the left side of the Narthex.  We would love to be able to meet you and follow up with you. 

There are Bibles on the table (English and Chinese) that you may take and keep.  There are also brochure racks where you can pick up literature about our church, our beliefs, and our ministries. Please read the Bible and these other materials at home and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

A monetary offering is always taken during the service because the finances of the church are the responsibility of the church members. We ask visitors to simply pass the offering plate to the person next to them in the pew.

What kind of church is Wallace PCA? 

All of our teaching is rooted in the Bible. We believe it is God’s Word to us and is our only authority for how we are to live. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that accepting Him as Lord and Savior and repenting of your sin is the only way for sinners like us to be in a right relationship with God.

Additional information about Wallace PCA and our beliefs can be found on the “About” section of our website. We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). More information about the PCA can be found at www.pcanet.org.