9:15 AM – Sunday School classes
10:30 AM – Sunday Morning Service

3725 Metzerott Road, College Park, MD 20740

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Serving Each Other through Forgiveness and Reconciliation – by Tim Keller (A Resource for this Sunday’s Sermon)

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Our Staff

Ryan Moore
(Senior Pastor)

Jamie Duguid
(Assistant Pastor)

Reed Berger
(Youth Director)

Melanie Brockman
(Children’s Ministries) brockman@wallacepca.org

What We Believe

We believe that God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to save us through his death and resurrection. This is the “gospel” – the good news that God has acted to save us. When we believe in Jesus, we are forgiven and accepted by God freely, not based on our own works, and his Spirit comes to dwell in our hearts, teaching us to love God and other people. We can only love because God has loved us first, and this good news about what he has done for us is the foundation for the whole Christian life.

The good news about Jesus is revealed in the Bible, which is God’s Word spoken to us, the only unerring source of truth for life and growth in Christ.

Wallace is a “Presbyterian” church, which means that we are joined to a wider network of churches for connection, fellowship, and accountability. It also means that we adhere to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms as a faithful summary of what the Bible teaches, and you can consult them for more detail about what we teach here. We also adhere to the classic creeds of the church, including the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.

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3725 Metzerott Road, College Park, MD 20740

Sunday Bulletin

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