Children’s Ministry at Wallace
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” Psalm 122:1

Nursery is provided for children infants through age 3 during Sunday School and the morning service. Cell phones alert parents if their children need them while in our care.
Sunday School: Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15
- Children’s ministry is an opportunity to disciple—to get children ready for life as followers of Jesus Christ. Our Sunday School curriculum from Great Commission Publications disciples children by rooting them firmly in God’s Word beginning at age 2.
- Sunday School teachers serve two three-month terms per year. During the other quarters they are encouraged to attend adult Sunday School classes. Both teachers and students grow—not just in knowledge—but also in their readiness to live out their faith in God’s world.

Children’s Church during the morning service
If parents desire, four to ten year olds may join our Catechism Class that begins just prior to the sermon. They use Catechism for Young Children: An Introduction to the Shorter Catechism (Great Commission Publications). The two to four year olds are also taught during this time when they are in the nursery.
Children’s ministry during Home Groups on Sunday nights
On Sunday evenings during Home Groups (5:00 – 6:15 p.m.), special classes are offered at the church for children — ages infant through Grade 6. There is also an optional “tween” ministry for rising teenagers (5th through 7th grade). Click here for more information on this ministry.

Intro to Wallace Class for children
Parents, if your children are interested in learning more about our faith and our church, please contact the church office to find out when the next Intro to Wallace Class for children will be offered.

Other things to know about ministry to children at Wallace
- Throughout the year, our children enjoy special events such as Fall Festival, Trunk or Treat, Advent Adventure, and Family Fun Days.
- Each year children prepare a Christmas program, special music and Bible memory passages for the congregation.
- Children are encouraged to serve our church and our local community by contributing to various group projects.
- Bible memory is part of our curriculum and we occasionally extend Bible Memory Challenges to encourage the children to learn longer passages.
- Over 60 carefully screened volunteers staff children’s ministries.
The seeds sown in Children’s Ministries will reap a harvest of blessing for years to come and it is our joy to be planters. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about Children’s Ministries at Wallace. For more information, contact Melanie Brockman.