What We Believe
The single most important aspect of human existence is our relationship with God
In order to understand this, the following must be considered:
- The entire point of Christianity is not what to do, or to achieve, or to be, in order to find God.
- The good news of Christianity (what we call the gospel, meaning literally ‘good news’) is just that: good news about what God did to find us in the person of Jesus. Jesus made it very clear what instinctively we all know, that nothing you can do, achieve or be will actually be ‘enough.’ On some level, we all know this. We all have a sense that there’s an ultimate ‘right and wrong,’ and we experience it because of our guilt (feeling bad for what we’ve done or not done) and shame (feeling bad for who we are or aren’t). In addition, we know it because of the pain we have endured at the hands of others when they wrong us. We all also have a sense (and sometimes the brutal experience) that the things, people, relationships, achievements, securities, and possessions we’re chasing in order to complete us will not be enough. And some of us have also experienced the reality, that none of these actually have the ability or power to fulfill us or forgive us if we do not first, and continually, fulfill them.
- God acted in a way that upheld His character, being not only loving and merciful, but just and pure (holy). He acted by sending his Son to truly becoming one of us in the person of Jesus. He experienced our pain, our sorrow, and our temptations. Yet He did not fail as we all know we have, thus qualifying Him to substitute Himself in our place.
- The Son of God substituted Himself for us by dying for us as an act of love. And then He completed His triumph by rising again from the dead, thus making a way for us to live in relationship with Him.
The Bible is the only true explanation of reality as it is experienced in our world today
Its central focus reconciles us not only to reality, but also to God. God gave us his Word (the Bible) in its present form in order to reveal His character in the context of the story — the true story — of Him saving a people for Himself.
The Church supports the teachings of the Bible
We adhere to the historic explanations of the Bible’s truths, e.g., The Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Westminster Confession of Faith. Each of these help to explain the Bible’s teachings.