Home Groups

Home Groups are small groups that meet together regularly to build relationships that reflect God’s love. At Home Group, you may find yourselves eating together, studying the Bible, discussing the sermon or a book, or praying, but whatever you are doing, the overall goal is to know, love, and serve others.

The Bible tells us that God has put every individual in the church for a reason: “To each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” (1 Corinthians 12:7). Home Groups help us build relationships so that we can use our gifts to build each other up.

Chinese Language Home Group

  • Focus: Survey of Biblical Teaching
  • When: Sunday, immediately following the service
  • How Often: every week
  • Location: at the church

Contact duguid@wallacepca.org for information about joining

Brockman Home Group

  • Focus: TBD
  • When: Wednesday at 7PM
  • How Often: twice a month
  • Location: the Brockman home in University Park, MD
  • Childcare Policy: Children are welcome to play on the floor where the adults are or in other rooms

Sign up for the Brockman Home Group here: https://wallacepca.breezechms.com/form/brockman

Rock and Melanie Brockman

Carman Home Group

  • Focus: Relationship Building
    • This group will focus on getting to know and care for one another, with some sermon discussion
  • When: Thursday at 7PM
  • How Often: twice a month
  • Location: the Carman’s home in Laurel, MD

Sign up for the Carman Home Group here: https://wallacepca.breezechms.com/form/carman

Terry Carman

Duguid-Dodson Home Group

  • Focus: Bible Study
  • When: Sunday at 5PM
  • How Often: twice a month
  • Location: the Duguid home in Cathedral Heights, DC

Sign up for the Duguid Home Group here: https://wallacepca.breezechms.com/form/duguid

Jamie and Emily Duguid

Greco Home Group

  • Focus: Bible Study
  • When: Thursday at 6:30PM
  • How Often: twice a month
  • Location: the Greco home in College Park, MD

Sign up for the Greco Home Group here: https://wallacepca.breezechms.com/form/greco

Daniel and Kameron Greco

Miner Home Group

  • Focus: Bible Study
  • When: Sunday at 5PM
  • How Often: twice a month
  • Location: the Miner home in Berwyn Heights
  • Childcare Policy: Children are welcome to play on the floor where we meet

Sign up for the Miner Home Group here: https://wallacepca.breezechms.com/form/miner

David and Eleanor Miner

Rabenhorst Home Group

  • Focus: Sermon Discussion
  • When: Sunday at 5PM
  • How Often: twice a month
  • Location: the Rabenhorst home in University Park, MD
  • Childcare Policy: No special accommodations for children

Sign up for the Rabenhorst Home Group here: https://wallacepca.breezechms.com/form/rabenhorst

Marty and Judy Rabenhorst

If you have any questions, please contact our Home Groups Coordinator, Jamie Duguid, at duguid@wallacepca.org

Home Group Calendar

Fall Season (September-December)

  • Week of September 8th – Home Group Meeting #1
  • Week of September 22nd – Home Group Meeting #2
  • September 21st – Leader’s Training Event
  • Week of October 6th – Home Group Meeting #3
  • Week of October 20th – Home Group Meeting #4
  • Week of November 3rd – Home Group Meeting #5
  • Week of November 17th – Home Group Meeting #6
    {Break for Advent}

Spring Season (January-May)

  • Week of January 26th – Home Group Meeting #7
  • Week of February 9th – Home Group Meeting #8
  • Week of February 23rd – Home Group Meeting #9
  • Week of March 9th – Home Group Meeting #10
  • Week of March 23rd – Home Group Meeting #11
  • Week of April 6th – Home Group Meeting #12
    {Break for Easter}
  • Week of April 27th – Home Group Meeting #12
  • Week of May 11th – Home Group Meeting #13
    • [note: May 11th is Mothers’ Day. Sunday groups should reschedule.]